Map election results to regions.

Assumes you have huffpostdata/election-2012-results cloned at ../../election-2012-results. Does 2000 regions by default; just change county_region_00 to county_region_10 below to do 2010.

In [1]:
from __future__ import division, print_function
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import six

In [3]:
from IPython.display import display

In [4]:
import sys

In [5]:
from import geocode_data

In [6]:
county_to_region = geocode_data('county_region_10').region.to_dict()

Map electoral results to regions

In [7]:
from glob import glob

First, handle Alaska specially:

In [8]:
assert len({v for k, v in county_to_region.iteritems() if k.startswith('02')}) == 1

In [9]:
ak_precincts = pd.read_csv('../../election-2012-results/data/ak_precincts.csv')

In [10]:
ak = ak_precincts.groupby(ak_precincts.candidate).sum().reset_index()
ak['state'] = 'ak'
ak['fips'] = next(k for k in county_to_region if k.startswith('02'))
ak['county'] = 'All of Alaska'

In [11]:

candidate votes state fips county
0 Johnson 7392 ak 02100 All of Alaska
1 Obama 122640 ak 02100 All of Alaska
2 Romney 164676 ak 02100 All of Alaska
3 Stein 2917 ak 02100 All of Alaska
4 Write-In 2870 ak 02100 All of Alaska

In [12]:
bits = [ak]
for f in glob('../../election-2012-results/data/??.csv'):
    piece = pd.read_csv(f, dtype={'fips': str})
    piece['state'] = f[-6:-4]
election = pd.concat(bits)

Normalize candidate names

In [13]:
reps = {
    'goode': 'virgil goode',
    'obama': 'barack obama',
    'johnson': 'gary johnson',
    'romney': 'mitt romney',
    'stein': 'jill stein',
    'virgil h. goode': 'virgil goode',
    'virgil h. goode jr.': 'virgil goode',
    'gary e. johnson': 'gary johnson',
    'write in': 'write-in',
    'write-ins': 'write-in',
    'hoefling': 'tom hoefling',
    'obama barack': 'barack obama',
    'stein jill': 'jill stein',
    'romney mitt': 'mitt romney',
    'johnson gary': 'gary johnson',
    'jill stein write-in': 'jill stein',
    'hoefling (write-in)': 'tom hoefling',
    'tom hoeffling': 'tom hoefling',
    'alexander': 'stewart alexander',
    'ross c. "rocky"': 'ross c. "rocky"',
    'ross c. rocky': 'ross c. "rocky"',
    'ross c.': 'ross c. "rocky"',
    'rocky': 'ross c. "rocky"',
    'paul': 'ron paul',
    'ron paul write-in': 'ron paul',
    'write-in**': 'write-in',
    'clymer': 'james clymer',
    'roth': 'cecil james roth',
    'prokopich': 'barbara prokopich',
    'barbara a. prokopich': 'barbara prokopich',
    'kevin m. thorne': 'kevin thorne',
    'thorne': 'kevin thorne',
def rewrite(s):
    s = s.lower()
    for x in ['/', ',', '(', ' and', ' for president']:
        p = s.find(x)
        if p != -1:
            s = s[:p]
    s = s.strip().replace('  ', ' ')
    s = reps.get(s, s)
    return s
election['cand'] = election.candidate.apply(rewrite)

In [14]:
cand_votes = election.groupby(election.cand).votes.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)

In [15]:

barack obama                65915527
mitt romney                 60936445
gary johnson                 1275791
jill stein                    466587
virgil goode                  114400
write-in                       60128
roseanne barr                  59051
thomas hoefling                38372
ron paul                       24870
ross c. "rocky"                23737
scattering                     18309
anderson                       16990
misc                           13275
richard duncan                 12517
blank                          11578
other write-ins                 8788
barr                            8212
terry                           6880
all others                      6552
good                            6274
none of these candidates        5770
baldwin                         5017
peta lindsay                    4723
christensen                     4433
stewart alexander               4401
james harris                    4091
stevens                         3856
randall terry                   3813
jim carlson                     3149
lindsay                         3067
merlin miller                   2676
jill reed                       2618
randall a. terry                2408
tom hoefling                    2177
sheila tittle                   1767
jerry white                     1540
ross                            1368
gloria la riva                  1236
dean morstad                    1094
jerry litzel                    1027
barbara dale washer             1016
jeff boss                       1007
scatter                          875
barnett                          839
sheila "samm" tittle             791
santa claus                      625
jack fellure                     518
gloria lariva                    372
thomas robert stevens            235
reed                             216
Name: votes, dtype: int64

In [16]:
election['party'] = 'oth'
election.loc[election.cand == 'barack obama', 'party'] = 'D'
election.loc[election.cand == 'mitt romney', 'party'] = 'R'
election.loc[election.cand == 'gary johnson', 'party'] = 'L'
election.loc[election.cand == 'jill stein', 'party'] = 'G'

In [17]:

D      65915527
G        466587
L       1275791
R      60936445
oth      497625
Name: votes, dtype: int64

Slightly disagrees with,_2012: they say Obama 65,915,795, Romney 60,933,504. Not sure how we got too many votes for Romney there; maybe Wikipedia miscounted?

Make sure that the FIPS codes are lining up reasonably

In [18]:
set(election.fips) - set(county_to_region)


In [19]:

candidate county fips state votes cand party
16 Obama Overseas NaN hi 392 barack obama D
17 Romney Overseas NaN hi 78 mitt romney R
18 Johnson Overseas NaN hi 2 gary johnson L
19 Stein Overseas NaN hi 4 jill stein G
128 Johnson, Gary E. STATE UOCAVA NaN me 58 gary johnson L
129 Obama, Barack STATE UOCAVA NaN me 2071 barack obama D
130 Romney, Mitt STATE UOCAVA NaN me 858 mitt romney R
131 Stein, Jill STATE UOCAVA NaN me 51 jill stein G
132 Anderson, Ross C. STATE UOCAVA NaN me 2 anderson oth
133 Paul, Ronald E. STATE UOCAVA NaN me 14 ron paul oth
134 Reed, Jill Ann STATE UOCAVA NaN me 0 reed oth
135 BLANK STATE UOCAVA NaN me 13 blank oth

UOCAVA = The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Ignore these.

In [20]:
{fips for fips in set(county_to_region) - set(election.fips)
 if not fips.startswith('02')}


15005 is Kalawao County, Hawaii, which has a population of 89 and is accessible only by mule trail. Its votes are counted under Maui (15009), and they're in the same PUMA anyway:

In [21]:
county_to_region['15005'] == county_to_region['15009']


Do the actual grouping

In [22]:
election_region = election.groupby( \
                          .apply(lambda x: x.votes.groupby(

In [23]: = 'region'
election_region.columns = ['votes_{}'.format(p) for p in election_region.columns]

In [24]:
election_region.fillna(0, inplace=True)
election_region = election_region.astype('int')

In [25]:

votes_D votes_G votes_L votes_R votes_oth
AK_00_01 122640 2917 7392 164676 2870
AL_00_01 18424 169 607 66016 275
AL_00_02 75150 116 301 62561 227
AL_00_03 15328 175 536 71439 402
AL_00_04 37374 211 631 74343 432

In [26]:
election_region.to_csv('2012-by-region.csv.gz', compression='gzip')